Friday, October 4, 2013

my yoyo experiences
hahah,my poor girl video (^^^)

the girl who created dance

hahah, the girl as we all know who created dance my video .


Humans are the most powerful on are planet earth we rule but even houses could and bulls I don't know why they don't , but all of the animals on this earth are actually from a different one,  we just don't know which. isn't that strange. But who brought them  here ?????.

my life

my life is no longer that simple, I start to wonder about things more, which makes it more hard, hello my name is Deya Linuza when I turn 10 I am going to  change like be a grown up or I can start doing that now, most people say that when I grow up  I will miss being a child, 
it's weird that adult's want to be children, and children want to be  adult's but I can't wait until i'm a adult so I can do so many thing's.                   

                    thank you for reading